
Guide to upgrade to Vtiger 7.4

September 30, 2021
As, we all know the Vtiger 7.4 GA is released and migrating to it quite similar to the previous Vtiger versions. First of all, download the patch file from the official website and extract it. Make sure to create a back up of the files/database and then run the migrating wizard. In this article we will going to see, how can a user migrate to Vtiger 7.4 from Vtiger 7.3? Note: You cannot upgrade VTiger CRM directly from version 7.2 to 7.4. You have to follow the upgradation path 7.2 > 7.3 > 7.4 We will only advise you to carry out the process of migration, if you have good enough knowledge regarding how the migration process takes place. In case, you want to avoid all types of risk and want a complete, up and running migration, then do not hesitate to contact us. We have an experienced team of

VTExperts Extension Pack is Fully Compatible with VTiger 7.4

September 30, 2021
Vtiger 7.4 has been released. there have been a number of changes like new workflow expressions, secure passwords, import via record number, HTML injection fix, mass calendar edit, default internal comment etc. In addition to the new features, your favorite extensions have also been upgraded to support the latest upgrade of VTiger open source. In case, you want to check the details regarding the changes made in Vtiger 7.4, then do visit the article:  Vtiger 7.4 open source change log  VTExpert’s extension pack compatibility with Vtiger 7.4 In regard to the release of Vtiger 7.4, VTExperts made sure that all of the extension that were previously compatible with the Vtiger 7.x are fine tuned and made fully compatible to Vtiger 7.4. As now,  VTExperts extension pack is fully compatible with VTiger 7.4, so you can use the VTExpert’s extension pack to its full potential on Vtiger 7.4. In case you face

Vtiger CRM dashboard and its uses

September 30, 2021
While choosing a CRM system, one of the most looked feature is dashboard. The dashboard is used to provide a quick picture of updates. For example, sales activity, support ticket responded, key performance indicators etc. Talking about the CRM dashboards, the things that comes to the mind are graphs, charts, reports etc. as they are the key components of any dashboard. What makes dashboards a good tool, is the ability to customize them extensively. This allows users to highlight only those metrics that are most used or searched most. Dashboards also allows to track the progress on different aspects of the business. Viger CRM also provides dashboard, which can be used to achieve the motives discussed earlier. In this article, we will look at Vtiger CRM dashboard and its uses. Elements of Dashboards Lets start with what elements should be included in the CRM dashboard. Following are some of the

Reminder and notification in VTiger CRM

September 30, 2021
Automated reminders helps a business in multiple ways. Using it properly can yield a vast range of benefits, ranging from increase in revenue to the timely solution provided to the customers. Automated process will show you the reminders for any kind of call, interview, meeting, appointment etc. So you can not miss a single activity planned for the day. As most of the organizations are using some kind of CRM system, so mostly CRM systems comes with built in reminder functionalities. Reminder and notification in VTiger CRM can also help to avoid forgetting about upcoming tasks and events. With every passing day the business environment is becoming more and more dynamic. The exposure to the information is also growing at a rapid rate, resulting in the increased workload for the employees. Under the immense pressure of work,  it is not unusual that once forgets about some of his tasks.. Reminder