The Quantity default value is “1” in VTiger. If a user wants to show the product in the quote and doesn’t want to add its price in the total, he needs to set the Quantity to “0”. To set the default value follow the steps mentioned below.
Adding items with Qty 0.0 in order to list Optional on Quotes
That way the Products price would be visible for the customer but it would not affect the quote’s total.
<input id="{$qty}" name="{$qty}" type="text" class="qty smallInputBox inputElement"
data-rule-required=true data-rule-positive=true data-rule-greater_than_zero=true value="{if !empty($data.$qty)}{$data.$qty}{else}1{/if}"/>
<input id="{$qty}" name="{$qty}" type="text" class="qty smallInputBox inputElement"
data-rule-required=true data-rule-positive=true value="{if !empty($data.$qty)}{$data.$qty}{else}1{/if}"/>
For further help, please send an email to We’ll be glad to be of service.