By default the “Last Modified By” field is hidden in vTiger, however all the functionality and the actual field is there. In order to unhide it you will have modify the database.
We strongly recommend to backup vTiger files and database before doing any changes to code/database.
You will need to run the query below:
UPDATE vtiger_field SET presence=’0′, displaytype=’1′ WHERE fieldlabel=’Last Modified By’ AND columnname=’modifiedby’ AND tablename=’vtiger_crmentity’;
Note, this query will enable Last Modified By field for ALL the modules, if you wan’t to enable it for just one module you will have to add “AND tabid=’Tab ID goes here’”; You will have to lookup tabid for the specific module in vtiger_tab.
Add “Created By” field
vtiger_field table : insert new field tabid and smcreatorid (fieldid is autoinc)
displaytype=2 : setting system value ; 1 : editabled
If the normal user does invisible the field(admin is visible)
insert table vtiger_def_org_field : tabid, fieldid, 0, 0 ; tabid, fieldid is Upper insert value;
Before all: thanks for your above code, it work fine, good job.
But about “Add Created-By field” thought:
I see the field “smcreatorid” already exists in vtiger_field table.
so, i try to change presence to ‘0’ and displaytype to ‘1’ but nothing happened and field unhide..
Can you help me please?
How can we add a new field called “Created By” to the Leads Module which holds the name of the user who created a lead ?
Similar execution, but use smcreatorid field instead of modifiedby