Using the Vreports and dashboards, you can set up the upcoming events widget for all the user. At the main dashboard, you can add a shared upcoming activity widget and can also design seperate dashboards for different users and show the upcoming events related to that user only. Adding Upcoming Activities widget to the Dashboard, lets the user of the CRM check what activites are coming ahead, so they can better plan their day.
Let’s take a practical example and see, How does it works. Using the admin user, I will create a dashboard for a user “Chris Garcia” and will set up an upcoming activity widget for the user that will show only the details regarding the upcoming activities for Chris Garcia
Go to Vreports and Dashboard and add a detailed report
Configure the report and make sure to share it with the user for whom the widget will be set (i.e. Chris Garcia)
Admin user can add a dashboard for the other users
Go the Vreports and Dashboard
Select the newly created board
Logged in from the user’s id and access the dashboard. It will appear as following
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