There are some marketing triggers which can sell your products more and make people purchase your products and services. Customers are more excited to buy products because of their emotions trigger. It should be cleared in your mind that people buy what they want not what they need. Needs are determined by reasoning and wants by emotions. Everyone has the similar mental triggers and needs that force to take action.
Customers’ decision consists of various conscious and unconscious emotions. Deep understanding of human psychology and behavior is a key to the success of your business. If marketers recognize these emotional triggers, they can create more effective marketing campaigns, messages and tag line for maximizing their sales.
Psychological and emotional triggers are given below to increase your sales. These are:
Belongingness is a strong human desire to attach with someone or thing, like, a group, a gang, a clan, a family and social network. Mostly people buy products or services to show the sense of belonging. Social skills, intellectual level, mental health, motivation and many other areas can be improved with sense of belonging. Customers get attached with products and feel happy to belong with them.
Love and affection is the most powerful emotion. People usually do odd things in love and show their love with attractive and classy gifts. Their love for arts, hobbies, culture, pets or anything that they like most can motivate them to spend huge amount of money to attain, nourish & enjoy their love.
Marketing messages which make consumers to feel guilty can be useful and repulsive. Charities and donations campaigns use this approach in their ads and messages so frequently that customers feel guilt over the cup of glass, beer, coffee or even their evening meals.
Fear is a most powerful drive and we learned to fear risk, embarrassment or missed opportunities. Do not use fear marketing in your messages and advertising content. With customer’s perspective, when they buy products with this emotion they can take wrong buying decisions.
If you are planning for a long term game, trust should be your first priority. Customers show their buying loyalty to those products that have won their trust. Once you win their trust they will buy your products repeatedly.
Values bind together personal perception, judgment, actions and motives. Values can also be a criterion that helps us to make personal verdict. We can consider it as personal values. People make buying decisions on daily basis which are based on their personal values and judgments. These judgments are sometimes conscious and sometimes not.
These emotional triggers are very important to drive sales. The sales triggers are connected with the emotional points. If you are using these emotions well in your marketing campaigns it will maximize your sales and you would become the trustworthy brand for your consumers.