“Processed data is known as information” It is a very basic definition with which almost every one of us is familiar. Well, processing is the part which turns raw data into useful information and this processing also includes sorting of the data provided. The data which we came across to in routine life is of various types of numbers to alphabets, different languages, diverse symbols, etc. Same is the case with the corporations; a well-sorted data can act as a competitive edge for the business firms. Organizations are offering different products, which have different descriptions, different usages etc. So they should be sorted accordingly to make an impact on the clients. What is Picklist? When business firms offer more than one products, it means the price, placement, and promotion will also be different. To make a distinction among the products while managing them through CRM, the feature of Picklist is
Competition among the business firms is becoming fierce day by day and the speed of this changing business environment is more than ever. When a business environment changes, it means that several new players, numerous new tools emerge, and firms which fail to adapt to these changes are Gone with the Wind. In the past, a new business tool emerged whose importance is rising with every passing day and almost every organization is in pursuit of incorporating that tool in their businesses to raise their benefits and the name of that tool is social media. It is a platform which can impact greatly in the process of shaping the image of a brand in people’s opinion. The question arises what do social media offers that made it so lucrative for the business firms. While in past the most common point of interaction between the business firm and the clients was
One of the most critical factors which can be used to determine how well an organization is performing is the quality of data they are sorting. Firms who are more efficient at gathering of quality data always have a competitive edge on others. Data entry is not only an integral part of a business firm’s but, it plays an important in every race of life like hospitals use the data entry to a very high extent. Well, data entry means inputting data into computers. Usually, it is a common point of view that data entry means recording data into the computer from the physical records. But, that is not the case, data entry means storing data into a system from any other systems like mobile applications, emails, internet forums and even physical records. One of the key features of a CRM is data entry, almost every CRM facilitates the data
When we look at real life scenarios, it is not hard to notice that only those people influence others more, who have great communication skills. Same is the case with business firms, an organization with superior communication setups yield far greater profits than ordinary ones. How better communicating process helps business firms? Well, there are numerous reasons behind this phenomenon, but I will like to quote some of those: A better communication process helps business to identify their needs more effectively and take decisions accordingly Good communication leads to comprehending the customer needs with more accuracy and then respond to them with product they want Effective communication model increases the productivity of employees and helps in maintaining better relationships among them Customer service depends on upon how efficiently firm’s representative can communicate with the customers, so in this regard organizations with strong communication image gets a competitive edge. We can
When we take a brief look at mighty corporations of current business culture, it takes no genius to notice that most of the successful companies collaborated with others and multiplied their power. The concept behind these collaborations is to provide opportunities to your customers which you cannot offer alone. This also highlights a fact that only for their valued customers, companies go to the extent that they team up with their rivals. This also shows the level of commitment organizations show for their customers and only steps like these yield great customer base and promising profits. Such collaboration features a huge range of famous brands like Sony-Ericson, Reebok-Marvel, Microsoft-Toot etc. “Alone we are smart, but together we are brilliant” This is the approach that VTiger 7 followed while allowing office 365 integration with VTiger 7. The aim which VTiger 7 is targeting is to provide best possible solutions to their customers in
Determining roles are a crucial part of establishing any business, regardless of scale on which that firm is performing operations. Roles provide the basis on which hierarchy of a business is developed. Consider an organization in which there are no roles, from the concept it sounds very interesting. You are allowed to do whatever you want because there is no specific role attached to you according to which you must perform your duties. It is like a map is provided to you on which the treasure is marked, but you are not told about your position and the path you should follow to find the treasure. On paper you will say it is a better idea, you can make your own path etc. but reality does not work this way. Roles provide a non-materialistic foundation on which companies are built. Why Roles are Essential Part of a CRM Roles play
Effects of Accounting Systems on Business Accounting systems are an integral part of business firms, from a small scale business like a bakery service operating at a local shopping mall to high-end Multi-national Corporation, all of them require an accounting system to streamline their operations. These accounting systems not only help you with cost management, but they also influence a positive impact on your value chain. On the basis of data collected by these accounting systems, future forecasts and financial reports are generated. This clearly shows the sheer power of an accounting system and how it can play a vital role in maximizing the profits of your business firm. Accounting Systems and CRM You can imagine the potential of a good accounting system from above-provided information and you are no alien to the sheer strength of a good CRM like VTiger 7. Now it is time to embrace, witness and
“Being on par in terms of price and quality only gets you into the game. Service wins the game” – Tony Alessandra This quote clearly shows you the power of customer service. Whenever a customer finds some difficulty or fault in your product, the people whom he or she contacts belong to customer service department. If customer service fails to respond to the queries of a client, what impact you think they would get from it? The answer is very simple they will stop doing business with you, they will not recommend you to their friends and associates. Moreover, it will cause a negative word of mouth regarding your product. Do you think in the current business environment you can take this much risk? When the competition is skyrocketing? Obviously not. What is SLA SLA is a term with which even most of the people using a CRM are not
“Effective communication is key to high performing business” Communication is the heart of a business. Firms that fail to communicate with their clients effectively should not expect good profits at all. Well, just take a look at the whole sales process; right from the start when you engage a client by telling them about your product, the process of communication is started. If your communication skills or communication modes are not up to the mark, you will fail to attract and satisfy them. Now take a look when the process of negotiation is taking place between you and your customer; again communication is considered to be an important aspect of the whole deal. Finally, when its customer’s turn to provide feedback about the product, the communication comes into the game again. So this shows modes of communication play a vital role in the success of any business. Just to give
The world we live in is the world of data, only those can prosper in current era who possess accurate data. In fact, data is emerging to be a stronger tool as compare to any other lethal weapon, people who underestimated the power of precise data in the current business environment faced serious challenges while carrying out business operations. So we should admire the power of correct data and make efficient use of it so that good profits for the business can be yielded. So embrace the power of data and make operations of your business more precise and to the point. Following is a famous saying by Carly Fiorina “The goal is to turn data into information, and information into insight.” This shows how data can change the perspective of the whole business VTiger 7 Filters Empowered by Custom Filter Designing We are bombarded with data in routine life,
In the current business environment, effective communication and notification alerts are name of the game. Only those organizations achieve success whose both internal and external communication are up to the mark. Every organization is trying to cater most customers as per their capacity, but, sometimes while doing so the element of punctuality is compromised. This happens not because of the fact that organization deliberately wants to hurt the customers, but due to the workload on the sales reps. The solution is sending alerts to the respective personnel so they can be reminded about the tasks they have to perform. In real life, we can see a branch manager sending an alert to the business development officer to remind him about the meeting with the lead he was previously working on. Alert Feature is an Essential Part of a CRM As you can see how much important sending an “Alert” is
In real world business environment, working in groups is a key task. In fact, if we look at the job descriptions, it is specially mentioned that a person should be able to work in teams or groups. Why working in the groups is important for the organizations, let me quote a famous saying: “The sum is always greater than the individual” One of the most important benefits of working in teams is that people working together come with a diverse range of ideas. The productivity of groups is commonly greater than the individuals. Moreover, the element of learning and flexibility are clearly visible in the firms prefer to work together. Working in Groups Using a CRM When in real life business practices working in groups is so important and fruitful, imagine how crucial it is for CRM to allow working in groups. Let suppose you are working in a group,
Email is an integral part of today’s business environment. Carefully designed emails, enhance the customer response without a doubt. Let me tell you some interesting facts in this regard i) This study states that percentage of people who prefer to read attractive email is 66 and ii) another survey shows that 80% of the people who use a mobile phone to reach their mail, delete an email if it does not look good in appearance. This shows the appearance of the email also matters in addition to its content. Marketing professionals who realized the power of email appearance, now spend more than two hours only on making emails more beautiful for their business prospects. The two major problems marketers face in this regard is that they have no experience of using designing softwares like HTML and CSS and the increasing number of new sales campaigns cause shortage of time Don’t
VTiger 7 CRM gives liberty to align and synchronize your QuickBooks Desktop with the CRM. It will empower you to sync Contacts, Products, Services, and Invoices among VTiger 7 CRM and QuickBooks. The synchronization of above-mentioned things works in both ways, which means information that is incorporated in one platform will be automatically updated on the other one. Minimum Requirement: To avail this feature, Sales Professional or Ultimate Edition is required. Supplies Make yourself ready before-hand. Following is the list of software required to be incorporated in your system prior to carrying out the original installation process: QuickBooks Desktop Software QuickBooks Web Connector VTiger CRM On-Demand Learn about the latest VTiger & QuickBooks Extension that provides a lot of advanced features. How to Install QuickBooks Web Connector QuickBooks Web Connector’s main function is to move information between VTiger 7 and QuickBooks. Download it from here. If you want to access QuickBooks
It is natural that sales managers who run a successful sales team use data to measure success. They measure task achievement using KPI (Key performance index) based upon culture involving critical evaluation of their teams. Let’s take an example: assume a sales manager who wanted to improve average time period taken by his sales representatives to close a deal. He will analyze the data regarding his sales reps and will identify fastest sales representatives. In the next step, he will study strategies and tactics that can be used by the slower sales reps to boost their close time and show improvements. This will help in improving the overall average deal closing time in the firm. Opportunities like these exist in every business environment and can yield great profits. Every business has end goals to improve its sales and revenues. A very common mistake observed in a sales environment is that
Leads are slippery as fish; You can miss them within a blink. Imagine that you have to schedule a meeting with one of your leads via email, who wants to see a trial of your services. You send an email with the next available hour of your availability, but your suggested time is not suitable for. So, he asks for 2 hours later, but it’s when your appointment with another organization is set. You reschedule again and again through emails until both parties settle upon a time or the lead runs away. This hassle and risk was enough, right? Yes, but only if you both concur on a same time. Here’s the 2nd part of the horror story: what if your lead asks you to rearrange the appointment? Also, you lose the credibility if between the chain of meetings an email is read a bit late or time zone difference
It is only understandable that you need your screens clean and tidy (modules or dashboards). It’s also very obvious that empty fields occupy a lot of space and most of the times, there is no reason to populate CRM modules with them. Empty fields also make it harder to locate the essential and required information quickly. Imagine your module exhibiting data like this: Without a doubt, few of the fields will be of great use to you. But some of those will be totally irrelevant at times. For example, the first and last names will always have high priority in terms of visibility. Take a look at the image above, some of the fields are completely empty and contain zero information like “LastLogin On”, “Deleted On”, “User Status” etc. Looking at them closely reveals that they are related to an online account, which in this case is not possessed by
It is plain natural that you cannot sit in front of your personal computer all day long only to keep an eye about what’s going on in the CRM. Every single person has tasks to do, especially those with businesses to look. What if you could have a quick look on your VTiger 7 CRM without having the necessity to approach the PC? Maybe you have to check what was the most recent activity performed by your contacts, or in another scenario, your clients’ office and suddenly you have to check the fluctuation of the price of a product. So to cope up with little but important matters like these, you need a computer system, Wi-Fi, and so many other accessories. So why not save the hassle just by using VTiger 360 mobile phone application, because you can. Just by using VTiger 360 app you can save yourself from such
Here’s an early cut of the enhancements that we hope to have in VTiger 7 branch in code.vtiger.com by early December. Vtiger 7 UI layout Easier list views Spreadsheet like editing in lists Private / Public tags Web form attachments Variable Taxes, Charges and Regions Duplicate prevention Picklist Coloring App Menus Rollup comments Multiple dashboard tabs Controlled sharing of Lists Custom Activity Type Vtiger 7 will also include API enhancements, and library upgrades. More info coming soon, stay tuned to our Social Media.
The article explains one of the features of VTiger CRM cloud version. However, the same or even better functionality can be added to VTiger CRM open source version. From the previous few articles, it can be easily evaluated that VTiger 7 is a CRM with no verges. From integrations to synchronizations to exceptional support and ticketing features, VTiger 7 is undoubtedly the best open source out there. We’ll talk more about the productive and beneficent services of VTiger 7 in the upcoming articles. Our today’s read is about another useful synchronization that enhances the significance of VTiger CRM. Since the major update from Microsoft named as Office 365, a huge traffic has revolved their ways to the package. So, it got inevitable to integrate the giant with the CRM. With the connector developed by VTiger for Office 365, synchronization between both management tools has been made possible. You can now
There has been a lot of talk about new release of VTiger 7 which will have new user interface and enhanced functionality. Here’s what Sreenivas Kunumuru had to say: We plan to release 7.0 by February. What will be in 7.0? It will feature the new UI that our cloud users have been using. Please post your suggestions here – 7.0 Wishlist We want code contributions. Every merge request on code.vtiger.com, will be reviewed and if appropriate get merged. 70% of merge requests are already merged. 40% of the issues that are reported are already resolved. (Ref: code.vtiger.com) With Vtiger 7, we will improve the core platform with easier UI, and hope to extend the APIs. VTiger has not published a complete roadmap or features list yet, but that should be available to public in the next month or two. The Alpha/Beta version is scheduled to be released
There are a number of platforms whose data can be synced into VTiger CRM. One of the most important and essential ones is Outlook. A huge number of businesses depend upon Outlook for their multiple needs. So, here is the data synchronization discussion for Outlook. The Outlook plugin in VTiger 7 is an easy and coherent way of synchronizing the CRM contacts, events, and to-dos with the information manager. Its control panel is filled with a number of tools that help you along. With the plugin you can: Synchronize Contacts, Events, and To-dos both ways Attach emails received in Outlook to the records they belong in your VTiger CRM account Configure the data flow and sync directions i.e. from VTiger 7 to Outlook or Outlook to VTiger 7 Restrict the harmonization of data according to the user and CRM sharing rules and profiles Notes! Vtiger CRM Plugin for Outlook 3.2 brings
Firefox is one of the top internet browsers with a great number of users. If you are one of the Firefox users as well as the VTiger’s, we have a great VTiger plugin for you. With the Firefox plugin for VTiger 7, you can create records directly from the Firefox toolbar without the necessity to login again and again to the VTiger CRM account. You can create Leads, Contacts, Organizations, Tickets, Vendors, Products, and Documents. So there is no need to login to VTiger account every time you have a record to create, as you can do so on the go. This might be one of the best time saving features for your business. We have designed some extremely useful similar extensions for Gmail, Outlook, and Office 365 that are capable of all of these and lot more. Visit the Official Corrensa Website for details (the VTiger Corrensa extensions are
If you are aware of the word Magento, you’d surely know about what is a Shopping Cart, as well as the other way around. That’s how much powerful Magento is. A shopping cart is a piece of e-commerce software on a web server that allows visitors to an Internet site to select items for eventual purchase, and Magento is an open-source technology that provides the online merchants with a flexible shopping cart system. Heads Up! Magento Community (version 1.6 upto 1.9.) are supported by the VTiger 7 Shopping Cart module Note: Only Sales Professional and Ultimate Edition of VTiger 7 CRM offer this handy feature Overview VTiger 7’s Shopping Cart module is designed in such a way that it caters Magento Community Edition 1.6 to 1.9. Three common modules which are featured by VTiger 7 are as following: Contacts in Vtiger as Customers in Magento Products in Vtiger as Products in Magento
Let’s discuss a much needed module of VTiger 7, the Documents module. It is for VTiger CRM users to save files like it’s done in the Drive. But these files can be uploaded directly and you can use an external link to download the files back. There is more to it; you can manage the files in the form of folders in VTiger 7. Everything is explained later in the article, so let’s continue. Note! The maximum file upload limit is 5 Mb. Documents Management For documents, there are a number of options available in list view. Let’s learn what they precisely do: Field Name Actions you can perform on the records in list view With this Pencil (edit) button, you can select multiple documents and perform an action in a group As we can assume that it’s the Delete button, the only addition I want to do here