Email Marketing Automation/Campaign will transform VTiger into sophisticated email marketing/campaign tool. It will include a step by step wizard, easy to use “marketing list” (to load contacts/leads/organizations), review & send + confirmation/summary view that shows exactly what and when is going to be sent. In addition, it supports batch sending, meaning that you can schedule emails to go out over 15, 30, 60min instead of sending them all at once. How to Create Email Campaigns Go to Email Marketing Module and click on the “Create Email Marketing” button. Add campaign Name, Email Server, From Name, Email, and Assigned to then click on the “Next” button. Here you can show Lead, Contacts as well as Organizations. You can also create a new custom filter by clicking on the “Create Contacts Lists” button. Add a Name and the Fields(Columns) then add the Condition. Click on the “Load” button and it will add those records to the Campaign you can see the Total Number of records added into the campaign.
New Feature In Advanced Comment Extension: Comment Modification Tracker