Activity reminder alert

Optimize Vtiger scheduling with VTExpert’s tools

June 1, 2023
Maintaining an organized schedule and appointments is crucial for running a business smoothly. One effective way of doing this is by using Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software such as Vtiger. However, to get the most out of Vtiger’s scheduling features, sometimes additional scheduling tools may be necessary. VTExperts developed various extensions that extend or enhance Vtiger’s calendar features. In this article, we will look at how can you optimize Vtiger scheduling with VTExpert’s tools Vtiger Calendar Vtiger offers several calendar and scheduling features that help businesses manage their time efficiently and optimize their operations. Here are some of the crucial calendar and scheduling features offered by Vtiger Shared Calendar: Vtiger provides a shared calendar, which can be accessed by multiple users in an organization. This feature can help businesses avoid scheduling conflicts and ensure that everyone is on the same page. Recurring events: Vtiger calendar also allows users to create

Reminder and notification in VTiger CRM

September 30, 2021
Automated reminders helps a business in multiple ways. Using it properly can yield a vast range of benefits, ranging from increase in revenue to the timely solution provided to the customers. Automated process will show you the reminders for any kind of call, interview, meeting, appointment etc. So you can not miss a single activity planned for the day. As most of the organizations are using some kind of CRM system, so mostly CRM systems comes with built in reminder functionalities. Reminder and notification in VTiger CRM can also help to avoid forgetting about upcoming tasks and events. With every passing day the business environment is becoming more and more dynamic. The exposure to the information is also growing at a rapid rate, resulting in the increased workload for the employees. Under the immense pressure of work,  it is not unusual that once forgets about some of his tasks.. Reminder

Configure Activity Reminders (popups) In VTiger 7

March 29, 2018
Activity Reminder (Alert/Popup) Extension is designed to calendar reminders similar to outlook. The reminder popup shows up automatically when the activity is due and displays current day’s activities with basic details such as subject, description, related to (contact, lead, organization, etc..) as well as Due In. In addition, built-in Snooze option allow the user to snooze all or individual activity. How to Configure Activity Reminders Go to the Menu >> Settings >> CRM Settings >> Other Settings >> Calendar Popup and select the modules.     Click on this Icon to see all the Activities for the day.     You can also snooze the popup.     For further help, contact us on We’ll be glad to be of service.

New – “Actions” Button Column On Activity Reminder / Calendar Popup For VTiger 7

December 15, 2017
There’s a productivity centered extension Activity Reminder (Popup) for VTiger that gives reminders similar to Outlook. The reminder popup shows up automatically when the activity is due and displays current day’s activities with basic details such as subject, description, related to (contact, lead, organization, etc..) as well as Due In. We recently gave it a major upgrade and added the “Actions” button as a column to the reminder popup. Previously, those actions buttons were only accessible when you go to calendar > specific activity > and hover your mouse over it.   With the Activity Reminder (popup) extension, now users can edit, mark as done, and delete any activities without the need to visit the actual activity in the Calendar. When you open the reminder popup (extension button at the top right – needs the extension to be installed), you will see this new column named “Action”. The action buttons