There’s a new Extension for VTiger Order Management, the Easy Item Lookup. It is the Extension for VTiger designed to significantly increase the efficiency when adding products & services to the invoices/quotes/sales & purchase orders. We applied a method that is very similar to any online shop, where you select your category and items reload based on the category selected. It supports up to 3 “category” fields, meaning, that you can narrow down your search by any picklist field on product/service (category, sub category, manufacturer, type, etc..). It also supports filter by vendor, which works exactly as the category filter. In addition, to the easy lookup, you can also search the product/service by name, part number or any other field on the list (similar to standard vtiger functionality). Special filtering options such as A-Z, In Stock Only, Bundles Only, Inactive are also available. On top of that, you