vTiger News

Map Data in Emails from VTiger Records : New Addition in Email Marketing/ Automation Extension for VTiger

June 27, 2018
We have added a very helpful feature in Email Marketing Automation/Campaign Extension for VTiger. This extension makes VTiger a delightful marketing tool because of its simple configuration. Comes with a step by step implementation Wizard with an easy to select & customizable marketing list that supports Leads, Contacts & organizations. Next step is to create new or select an existing email template. It supports Mosaico template builder other than the standard vtiger template builder so you can create innovative emails, simply and easily. Then there is a confirmatory/send summary view.   It also supports various email outgoing servers and works with our other extension, Multi SMTP. You can schedule emails to go out in batches (to avoid spamming them), set the failed emails to retry and shows status of the emails as Opened, Sent , Failed, Unsubscribed and Unopened. It also supports executive summary charts. Moreover, gives a built-in Unsubscribe

Introducing the Google Drive Integration with VTiger

May 18, 2018
Google Drive is one of our recently added extensions that seamlessly integrates Google Drive with VTiger. Not only the Documents /Files/Folders in Google drive can be accessed from VTiger but they can be edited without downloading to your computer (supported files include Word, Excel, Text & images etc) by the Google File Viewer/ Editor. You can assign unique folders from Google Drive to the individual records and modules using a Built-in Folder Selector. It also shows the assigned Files/ Documents in two supported views that is Grid and List view. This integration also supports all modules, meaning that you can assign folders to any record e.g project, opportunity, order and access the folder while in VTiger. It is very user-friendly, Module-manager compatible  and got a rather straight forward Configuration Panel. After the configuration you can choose, create or assign folders from Google Drive to the records. For that, open a

VTExperts Comply With GDPR Regulations Update 2018

May 11, 2018
This article explains the compliance of VTExperts Inc. with GDPR’s regulations until 2018. VTExperts has always been up to date when it comes to security standards and safety measurements. We’ve already been following the best practices in regards to collecting, processing, and managing our Clients’ data. So we took this opportunity to clarify how do we go about the data we have and how much is it that we collect. As we deal in VTiger CRM versions VTiger 7 and VTiger 6, GDPR affects greatly all of the CRMs just as VTiger CRM. For legal documentation, please see our GDPR compliance statement.   What Data Do We Collect? It is often considered that our extensions collect huge amount of data as they require constant connectivity to Internet. Here’s the correction. We DO NOT collect any of the data through our extensions. Our extensions need connectivity to our license server to

VTiger CRM 7.1.0 GA/Stable – Released

March 5, 2018
VTiger 7.1.0 GA/Stable has just been released. According to official announcement there were 200+ key functional and at least 500+ usability issues closed/corrected. In addition, VTiger 7.1 comes with new customer portal, which uses  REST API instead of SOAP. Here’s the official vtiger announcement.   We are happy to announce the availability of Vtiger CRM 7.1.0 GA today. This release mainly targets on improving stability over the redesigned Vtiger 7 UI, which was rolled 10 months ago. Continuing the journey on the issues reported we have addressed 200+ key functional issues and knocked off at-least 500+ issues of usability or inconsistent behaviour that were present in earlier versions. Customer Portal add-on too gets a makeover with this release and is modelled using REST API instead of SOAP driven (old version). This adds much more capability to extend and makes it easier integrate with existing application much easier. We recommend the

VTiger 7.1 GA/Stable Release Date Confirmed [First Week of March]

February 23, 2018
VTiger developers put in a lot of effort (with help from the community) in the past 2 months and make significant improvements to VTiger 7.1 code base. There were nearly 300 issues/bugs, few minor enchantments as well as new customer portal. The release of VTiger 7.1 GA/Stable is scheduled for 1st week of March, 2018. The latest code is already available in git, however we recommend to wait until final-repackaged version. Here’s what vtiger rep had to say. (for official vtiger announcement – click here) Dear members, Getting ready with a weekly wrap is now becoming interesting activity and I’m glad to see it being received with appreciation – which is a huge motivation. This week focus was more on addressing an blocker issues and those that trickled during early validation. Happy to see not many fell into this – which is a good signal for release. But most of

Outlook/Gmail Plugin for VTiger is Now Available (Corrensa Lite)

February 8, 2018

Vtiger V7.1 GA Release Update

January 31, 2018
We just received an update from vtiger rep saying that the VTiger 7.1 Stable/GA version will not be released in January, 2018. Due to outstanding issues and fixed, the release has been pushed at least until March (not confirmed yet). We should know more, possible have a set date for VTiger 7.1 Stable release on 3rd week of February, 2018. Here’s an official post from vtiger: Hi All, We would like to update regarding Vtiger Opensource V7.1 GA. This version release delay as we need to address all the bugs those are reported in code.vtiger.com. We appreciate your patience and valuable contribution towards the release. We will confirm the release date in 3rd week of Feb month. regards, Satish.Dvnk Thanks

VTiger 7.1 RC Has been Released

January 8, 2018
  There has been an update! Please click here: https://www.vtexperts.com/vtiger-v7-1-ga-release-update/ VTiger 7.1 RC has just been released. RC stands for Release Candidate, meaning that it’s not yet recommended for production yet, however it should be very close to what the VTiger 7.1 GA (Stable) version will be. Here’s official announcement from vtiger.com:   We would like to update you that Vtiger community edition V7.1 RC has been published in sourceforge.net which will includes the following features and fixed 100+ bugs Follow A Record (Following a record is a nice fashion of marking a record as a favorite. This will act as a shortcut to get to favorite or active records. By following a record you get updates on it as the users modifies the record). Duplicate Record Prevention (Prevent duplicate records in Vtiger from all sources by enabling the duplicate check) Webform Attachments (Allow user to attach files to web forms)

Vtiger 7.1 Release Schedule

December 28, 2017
VTiger rep Satish just announced release schedule for VTiger 7.1, here’s the announcement:   We are happy to announce that we are going to release the Vtiger community edition version 7.1 in January. We would like to appreciate your valuable contributions and validation towards this release.   Following are the expected release schedule for the V7.1. RCA – 1st week of Jan GA – 4th week of Jan FYI V7.1 Features and fixes : Features : Follow A Record (Click on Star icon to follow a record. By following any record, you get updates on it as other users of your organization modify the record. these updates are notified to you via emails. Deselect the Star icon to unfollow the record.) Duplicate Record Prevention (Prevent duplicate records in Vtiger from all sources by enabling the duplicate check) Webform Attachments (Allow user to attach files to web forms) Import Users Using .CSV file (Supports importing User data using .csv file) Supporting Mysql V5.7

Email Campaigns Extension for VTiger 7 Open Source – Progress Update

October 25, 2017
For the last few months we’ve been working on a new extension that will transform VTiger into sophisticated email marketing/campaign tool. The extension will include a step by step wizard, easy to use “marketing list” (to load contacts/leads/organizations), review & send + confirmation/summary view that will show exactly what and when is going to be sent. In addition, it will support batch sending, meaning that you can schedule emails to go out over 15, 30, 60min instead of sending them all at once. We also integrated Mosaico template builder with our campaign/marketing tool. Mosaico is an open source template builder which allows users to create amazing email templates, the functionality is very similar to mailchimp, constant contact or any other email marketing platform. We are anticipating to have this vtiger extension available in the next month and would like to share the progress we made so far.   Start New

Quickbooks Online & VTiger 7 Open Source Integration – Progress Update

October 17, 2017
We have been actively working on our next major extension release – VTiger 7 & QuickBooks Online Integration and would like to share our progress with the community. So far, we completed sync of customers (organization/contact) and products/service as well as built the engine for logs, quickbooks queue and graphical user interface. It’s fair to say, that we are half way there (50% complete) and we are expecting the beta release in the next 1-2 months. If you would like to participate in beta testing – please contact us at help@vtexperts.com! Here are some screenshots of the interface/functionality.   Synchronize Tab (Initiate 2 way Sync between VTiger & QuickBooks Online)   Customer Tab (Map VTiger Contacts & Organizations into QuickBooks Customers)   Configuration Tab (Configure bidirectional sync & set primary data source)   Quickbooks API Tab (Enter Quickbooks API Details to connect to VTiger)

VTiger 7.1 Features Development

September 25, 2017
We have some exciting news for VTiger open source community! VTiger developers have been working on a VTiger 7.1 release and just informed us on the new feature that will be introduced. The original message below   We would like to update you that we have been working on Vtiger Open Source V7.1 features and planning to release it in couple of weeks. Following are the list of features including differed issues from previous version. Features : Follow A Record (Click on Star icon to follow a record. By following any record, you get updates on it as other users of your organization modify the record. these updates are notified to you via channels enabled in the Notification Center Settings. De-select the Star icon to unfollow the record.) Duplicate Record Prevention (Prevent duplicate records in Vtiger from all sources by enabling duplicate check) Webform Attachments (Allow user to attach files to

VTiger Item Details Customizer (Advanced)

July 1, 2017

VTiger Document Designer and PDF Maker + Digital Signature 2.0

June 30, 2017

VTiger 7.0.1 Patch has been released

June 6, 2017
VTiger 7.0.1 GA Release   VTiger 7.0 GA (Stable) was released on May 23rd, 2017, however the release had few critical bugs that needed to be addressed right away. On June 6th, 2017 VTiger 7.0.1 patch was released. Here’s the list of issues fixed: #546 – Unable to open the Mail Converter from the menu #554 – Migration errors from V6.5 to V7 #526 – google sync not working #559 – Project Summary Broken #552 – 1st Comment not show in summary #566 – Calendar Issues #517 – pie chart doesn’t have legend In addition to the above, we also have a few minor changes. #551 – Extension banner show also 6.x extensions #493 – change organization associated to opportunity from summary view   Latest source code can be downloaded from git or official vtiger website. If you already installed VTiger 7.0 – you will need to go through the

VTiger 7.0 GA (Stable) has been released

May 23, 2017
VTiger 7.0 GA (Stable) Release   We are thrilled to announce the release of VTiger 7.0 GA (Stable). New version of VTiger  was completely redesigned and has new user interface(theme), which a lot more responsible and user friendly. In addition, it has many new features along with the security updates. To find out more – please see offical vtiger announcement.   VTiger 7.0 GA can be downloaded from vtiger.com. Official VTiger 7.0 GA (Stable) Download Link   VTiger 7.0 GA interactive demo is available as well, please follow the link below VTiger 7.0 Open Source Live Demo   The upgrade patch for VTiger 6.5 to 7.0, has already been released and the instructions can be found below. Step by Step Guide to Upgrade VTiger 6.5 to VTiger 7.0   Our VTiger Extension Pack has been already converted and will work with VTiger 7.0 right away. Note, that not all of the extensions have been

VTiger 7.0 GA Release & Extension Pack (Schedule, Updates & Compatibility)

May 21, 2017
VTiger 7.0 GA Release   VTiger 7.0 GA (Stable) has been released May 23rd, 2017. You can download it from vtiger.com or obtain latest code on git. You can find full feature list here.   Here’s a VTiger 7.0 introductory/demo video which covers most of the features: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jlhqKQSpP4     Extension Pack Compatibility with VTiger 7.0 Open Source   Our team has been working really hard in the past few months to convert most of our extensions to be compatible with VTiger 7.0. We are excited to say, that 95% of our extensions have already been converted and are fully compatible with VTiger 7.0 open source. You can check the status of each as well as see which extensions have been discontinued for one reason or another. VTiger 7.0 Extension Pack Compatibility Chart   In addition, our extension pages(on the website) have already been updated and include screenshots/videos/live demos & user guides

VTiger 7.0 Open Source Demo

May 21, 2017
VTiger 7 Open Source Demo   VTiger 7.0 has officially been released May 23rd, 2017. You can download the latest files from vtiger.com or code.vtiger.com. We have setup a VTiger 7.0 demo instance that has the latest vtiger stable files.   VTiger 7 Demo Link: http://demo7.vtexperts.com/vtigercrm7demo/index.php VTiger 7 Demo Username: demo VTiger 7 Demo Password: demo   *Note, we have disabled admin access due to security reasons.   List of VTiger7 new features: Vtiger 7 UI layout Easier list views Private / Public tags Web form attachments Variable Taxes, Charges, and Regions Picklist Coloring App Menus Rollup comments Multiple dashboard tabs Controlled sharing of Lists Custom Activity Type Splitting Edit action in Create / Edit action in roles / profiles. Comment with attachments. And much more!   For any questions – please contact us at help@vtexperts.com Thanks

Step by Step Guide to Upgrade to VTiger 7.0

May 21, 2017
VTiger 7 upgrade path is very similar to earlier versions. You will need to download the patch, extract it, backup your files/db and run the VTiger 7 migration wizard. This article provides step by step instructions to upgrade to VTiger 7.0. VTiger 7 has a completely redesigned user interface and a lot of new features. If you haven’t had a chance to test drive vtiger 7 – you can play around with our demo. VTiger 7 Open Source Demo Link If you are a ‘do it yourself’ type of person  and have enough knowledge about VTiger and its’ upgrade process – you should be able to do it yourself. On the other hand, if you consider your data too valuable to not risk, we at VTiger Experts can execute it for you. Our developers are skilled and highly experienced in upgrading VTiger to the latest version.   #1: Creating Backup of

VTiger 7.0 RC and GA Release Schedule

March 30, 2017
We’re happy to inform that Vtiger 7.0 RC and GA have been scheduled for the release. These releases include many new features and UI changes. Click here to see our extension pack upgrade schedule and status.   Release Schedule: RC (Validation) – April 10, 2017 GA – Released May 23rd, 2017. List of Vtiger7 new features: Vtiger 7 UI layout Easier list views Private / Public tags Web form attachments Variable Taxes, Charges, and Regions Picklist Coloring App Menus Rollup comments Multiple dashboard tabs Controlled sharing of Lists Custom Activity Type Splitting Edit action in Create / Edit action in roles / profiles. Comment with attachments. Once released – we’ll provide demo link. Thanks

VTiger 7 Alpha Released. New Layout, Functionality & More!

December 8, 2016
VTiger 7 Alpha is now available!     VTiger has just pushed the code for VTiger 7 open source to their git repository. From what we know, this development is in early stage and should NOT be used for production. This is a developers release and has not yet been published on vtiger.com.   To download and install VTiger 7 open source – you will need to be familiar with cpanel/ssh. The files are available below: GIT Repo for VTiger 7: http://code.vtiger.com/vtiger/vtigercrm/tree/7.0.0 Download the zip, extract and install it on your server. Please note, this is NOT production version.     VTiger 7 Highlights We don’t have  an official feature list, but from what we’ve seen it’s going to be similar to the below: PHP 7 compatibility New and improved Layout (Responsive?) Redesigned Field Editor Round Robin More intuitive workflow interface Colored picklist values Redesigned & configurable Menu Editor Opportunity to Project

VTiger 7 Open Source – Features (Preliminary List)

September 15, 2016
Here’s an early cut of the enhancements that we hope to have in VTiger 7 branch in code.vtiger.com by early December. Vtiger 7 UI layout Easier list views Spreadsheet like editing in lists Private / Public tags Web form attachments Variable Taxes, Charges and Regions Duplicate prevention Picklist Coloring App Menus Rollup comments Multiple dashboard tabs Controlled sharing of Lists Custom Activity Type   Vtiger 7 will also include API enhancements, and library upgrades. More info coming soon, stay tuned to our Social Media.

VTiger 7 Scheduled to be Released in February 2017

September 13, 2016
There has been a lot of talk about new release of VTiger 7 which will have new user interface and enhanced functionality. Here’s what Sreenivas Kunumuru had to say:   We plan to release 7.0 by February. What will be in 7.0? It will feature the new UI that our cloud users have been using. Please post your suggestions here – 7.0 Wishlist We want code contributions. Every merge request on code.vtiger.com, will be reviewed and if appropriate get merged. 70% of merge requests are already merged. 40% of the issues that are reported are already resolved. (Ref: code.vtiger.com) With Vtiger 7, we will improve the core platform with easier UI, and hope to extend the APIs.   VTiger has not published a complete roadmap or features list yet, but that should be available to public in the next month or two. The Alpha/Beta version is scheduled to be released

VTiger CRM 6.5.0 (hotfix – 20160714) Released

July 14, 2016
VTiger 6.5 Hotfix (20160714)   There were few critical issues reported, right after the release of VTiger 6.5 which have been addressed in the latest hotfix. Detailed hotfix release notes below. Related to Currency Formatting which was troubling re-editing of records on UI. Third-party library fixes for PHP 7 compatibility – for the modules below Mail Manager “Add Action” section is missing/unusable Failure to load email folders Importing Module Customer Portal (non functional) Quotes/Invoices/SO (line item popup doesn’t show any products) Custom Modules (can’t properly install custom modules(including PDF Maker) Calendar (relabeled “Activity Types” widget) You can find more details on this milestone.   How to Apply the hotfix   Hotfix does not require going through the upgrade process, see the steps below. Download hotfix: vtigercrm-650-hotfix-20160714.zip Extract the hotfix and overwrite VTiger 6.5 files If you are upgrading to to VTiger 6.5 – you don’t need to apply this hotfix as

VTiger 6.5 GA Released with 40+ Issues & 45+ Merge Requests Included!

July 5, 2016
VTiger 6.5 GA Is now Available!   VTiger is happy to announce GA release of Vtiger CRM 6.5.0. In this version, there were 40+ issues & bugs fixed as well as 45+ merge requests accommodated. Most of the changes were to make VTiger more stable, secure & bug free. The credit goes to the community who contributed to the release the most.   VTiger 6.5 Release Highlights (Major) Customer Portal password encryption PHP 7 compatibility MySQL (STRICT_TRANS_TABLE) compatibility (default in 5.6.x) URLs in workflow emails are now clickable ($(general : (VtigerMeta) crmdetailviewurl)) Report Date formats (mm-dd-yyyy and yyyy-mm-dd) User Preferences (Only authorized user can change other preferences) Default Grouping Separator (causing currency fields to save with extra 00s.) Emails (minor fixes in formatting and emailing) Lead Convert Custom Action (Execute custom functions when lead is being converted) Improved Logging Minor Layout Improvements (cache, icons, header support) Default sorting order on