One of our customer’s business model is to recruit people in medical industry. In addition to having to collect the data about the person, they also need to know his/her schedule. The niche they are in, requires a very detailed availability schedule of the person they are trying to recruit.
We built a custom ‘availability schedule’ within VTiger which allows the user to open the record, in this case contact, click the “Availability” section and update record preferences there. It includes the columns for all days of the week as well as the hour periods that apply. It’s easy to use design only requires user to click on each checkbox to pick the time frame. We also added a trigger which locks or unlocks the availability calendar – this way only certain people can access it and no one will update it by mistake. The availability can also be reported on as well as the workflows can be run.
Do you see this type of customization potentially helping your business workflow? If so – contact us!