On daily basis, companies run into situations, where they expend resources to provide services/products to their customers. Those expenses might come in any form i.e. travel expenses, spare parts purchases, outsourcing payments etc. There’s simply no specific category – such expenses can come in any form and service.
We’ve come up with a new extension for VTiger which covers the above mentioned gap. Custom Expenses for VTiger helps to track and automate user expenses for every customer. Once an item is created, you can convert it to expense – there’s no limitation for that. Going ahead, you can add those expenses into invoices with proper details and get compensated properly, while keeping it all crystal clear.
A good example would be TA/DA for your staff. When funding the company’s representatives for a specific project while they travel, you can track and convert the expenses spent on this client’s task. You could do that by simply creating a custom “Travel Expenses” module (using Module Builder), configure Travel Expenses module fields i.e cost, quantity, description and map into the invoice item details. The expense then will be paid properly using standard VTiger’s invoicing functionality.
Enhance VTiger’s Quoting and Invoicing Process Using Item Details Customizer (Advanced).
You may also have expenses such as “Additional Parts or Materials” used on the job (Ticket, Order) and could easily configure those to be added onto the invoice with just few clicks.
There are several dozens of way the extension can be used. Let us know in the comments on how do you use or expect to use the extension for your business.
To learn more, please see our user manual for Custom Expenses extension. The extension is included in the Extension Pack and is available for all our subscribers. If you need more information or have questions, send us an email at help@vtexperts.com or visit www.vtexperts.com for live chat – we usually respond within 24 hours.
Please note that we design our extensions to be as flexible & configurable as possible, so if you feel uncertain if this would work – email us and we’ll be pointing you to the right direction. Also, we can add features or can customize extensions to meet your needs and make sure you will be up and running in no time. If this extension is “almost” what you need – we can work with you to make necessary changes so it is “exactly” what you need.