If you are a heavy VTiger user – you are likely familiar with quotes, invoices sales & purchase orders. Within each transaction you can add/select products & services. The current VTiger functionality allows users to select either product or a service and execute a simple search. As this might be enough for a user who has very few records and is comfortable with one search criteria, however for heavy VTiger users, who live and breath quotes/invoices – they need a more sophisticated tool to lookup products.
We were asked to customize VTiger product select popup and add the following functionality:
This is just one of many VTiger customizations we did for quotes, invoices and sales/purchase orders. We’ve built over 10 VTiger extensions to enhance the process. We understand that each business has it’s own way of doing things and the out of the box solution is not always the best, so if you need any assistance with customizations – feel free to contact us.