Integrity Check

In the VTE Extensions Pack for VTiger 7, there’s a very handy feature that lets users to quickly view if there’s something wrong with an individual extension and what’s exactly not in line. This helps admins to locate the problem and fix it or contact VTE support for technical assistance.


Run and Understand the Integrity Check

The “Integrity Check” option shows up once an extension is installed from the Extension Pack list.

Once an extension is installed, a blue button saying “Options” shows up. Click the “Integrity Check” option from the drop down list.


  1. Checking Tables: shows if the necessary tables are created in the database correctly
  2. Checking Collation: this is to check the compatibility of the current extension with others. The extensions can still work if some modules are not collating.
  3. Checking Critical areas: the integrity check runs a confirmation to test if the current extension is enabled, or if the VTE store is enabled or disabled or in working state.
  4. Checking Permissions: This part of the test makes sure that there are not any permissions or role problems for any users, related to the current extension
  5. Checking Files (Missing): the integrity check makes sure that all the required files are installed and placed properly. If its unable to find one, an error pops up showing exactly which file is missing
  6. Checking Files (Files Modified or Outdated (non .php)): If a file is outdated or modified, the integrity check confirms that here. This helps admins to quickly figure out the problem without any tech assistance.
  7. Checking Server: Some of the extensions require specific server settings like some extensions e.g. bcmath, imagick etc. as well as specific values like php.ini variable (allow_url_fopen):Current=1 (Required=On) or php.ini variable (max_input_vars):Current=10000 (Required=10000). This shows the current values as well as the required values. Also, it clearly states if a required extension or tool is missing from the server. Another good example would be cronjob that is required to manage scheduled tasks.



Commonly Helpful Steps

There are some basic solutions that deal with most of the problems or errors in the Integrity Check:

  1. Try upgrading the current extension to latest version.
  2. Upgrading the Extension pack module also helps.
  3. For the cases like server configuration or permissions, the exact problems are stated in the result. You can take care of those problems and the extension should work just fine
  4. If nothing of the above helps, you can contact the VTE Support via chat (, or send us an email to and we’ll assist with the hurdle.