Pretty much every business has the needs of calculating taxes on the go while generating quotes, invoice, sales orders and/or purchase orders. The taxation in VTiger is quite up to the mark. Admins can set individual as well as group taxes on line items.
However, there’s a very tiny limitation which does not allow to change the default tax mode. The default tax mode in VTiger is “Group Tax”. A huge number of companies use “Individual” tax mostly. This default setting of Tax mode in VTiger makes it annoying for those companies to change the mode manually each time they need to add an invoice, quote, SO or PO. It even become a problem if an organization needs to generate hundreds of such records every day.
We did a customization for one of our client, where we simply switched the default tax mode from Group to Individual. So, when they create a new quote, invoice, sales order, or purchase order, it sets the default value to “Individual Tax” instead of “Group Tax”. The beauty of this work is that it’s a very simply customization and does not take lot of effort. That makes it pretty economical as well as near-to-none impact on the standard code.
Moving one step forward, if your company uses both taxes per users, it’s also doable. We can give an option to each of the user to select their own Tax method. That means, every user can specify their own tax settings when creating new quotes, invoices, sales orders, or purchase orders in VTiger.
This is just one of hundreds of customizations we have done for our valued clients. If you have more specific requirement, send us an email to and one of our experts will get back to you for the discussion.