Brand is a name, sign, term, and symbol, or design, or a combination of these that identifies the maker or seller of a product or services. Brand is an essential part of a product for consumers, and branding can add value to a product. For example, mostly consumers would perceive a bottle of White Linen perfume as a high-quality brand and an expensive product. But the same perfume in an unmarked bottle would likely be viewed as lower in quality, even the fragrances of these perfumes were identical.
Now branding has become so strong that today hardly things go unbranded. Salt is in branded bottle, common nuts and bolts are packaged with the label of different distributors, and automobile parts like spark, tires, plugs, filters – bear brand names that differ from those of the automakers. Even vegetables, fruits, and poultry are branded now; Dole pineapples, Sunkist oranges, Fresh Express salad greens, and Perdue chickens.
Branding can be beneficial for buyers in many ways. Brands help consumers to identify products that might benefit them. Brands also show the quality of goods and services to buyers. Buyers who always purchase the same brand know that they will get the same features, benefits, and quality each time they consume. Sellers can also get several advantages from branding.
The brand name becomes the basis on which the whole scenario can be built about the special qualities of any product or service. The brand name of selling product and trademark provide legal protection for unique product features that otherwise might be copied by competitors. Branding also plays its role for segment the markets for sellers. For example, general Mills can offer Cheerios, Wheaties, Total, Kix, Golden Grahams, Trix, and many other cereal brands, not just one general product for all consumers.
So the most distinctive skill of professional marketers is their ability to build and manage their brands. Building and managing brands is perhaps the most important task of marketers. Branding has become a powerful tool for products and services. Customers associate themselves with their most favorite brands and show their strong loyalty when buying these products. That is the reason, now people are more brand conscious and undoubtedly branding plays vital role in buyers’ buying decisions process.