
Transfer/Auto Fill Phone Number From Organization To A New Contact In VTiger 7

February 2, 2018
In Vtiger 7, User can avoid repetitive data entry when creating related records by using our Field Autofill extension. User can create a contact from within Organization and not have to re-enter Office Phone, Fax, Address, etc.. How to Transfer/Auto Fill Phone Number from Organization to a New Contact Go to the “Menu” and select “CRM Settings“.     Under “Other Settings” select “Filed autofill“.     Select the modules you want to automatically transfer data, for this example we’ll be using Organization to Contact and click on the “Add Mapping” button.     Select the records from which you want the data to transfer to, for this example we are using Primary Phone to Office Phone.     When creating a contact select an “Organization” and a dialog box will popup asking for to auto fill the fields with the selected organization data according to your configuration, by clicking on the “Yes” button it will automatically fill the fields.