customize vTiger

VTiger 7’s Workflow: An Introduction

November 16, 2016
The competition among the business firms is very intense, because of this very reason, firms do not let go of any opportunity that can benefit their business no matter how small that change is. The gap between market leaders and tier 1 business corporation is not so vast, they are alike in regard to human resource, marketing budget, partnerships etc. The things which differentiate market leaders from the rest of the firms are tiny tweaks that they brought into their operations and because of those small improvements they enjoy competitive edge. One of such tweak is automating the process and creating workflow is one of the finest examples related to this ideology. Why spend your human resource on a task which your computer can perform? Why don’t you use that human resource in doing something more constructive for the business? I think all of us know the answer to these

VTiger 7’s Mailroom: A Leap Forward

November 15, 2016
There are a few things which are an essential part of your firm, no matter on what scale you are carrying out your business related operations, one of them is electronic mails. The benefits of emails are very convincing like it is a low-cost method of communication, it is used to keep a permanent record, it is used to target a wide range of people and locations does not matter when you are using emails. Moreover, it is an important tool which is used in formal communication. From announcing  your new product arrivals to sending a notice to your client to renew his subscription regarding your services, all is done through e-mails. VTiger 7 Providing Solutions to your Email Related Problems VTiger 7 CRM understands the extent to which the emails are important for your business. Therefore, it offers a huge range of cool and highly effective features regarding the

Application Of DocuSign’s Integration With VTiger

November 14, 2016
Emerging business trends involve a lot of travel, in fact, there are jobs which specifically require working from the remote areas. So much hassle can cause a lot of problems which can lead to different kinds of further hurdles. Those problems range from poor customer service to forgetting some important paper on your desk while you are at a remote place. For example, a sales rep made a visit to a potential client at another city and recorded all of his credentials, but when he reached his office and started to brief his superiors about the new client, he noticed that his client missed one signature out of six on the contract that was made between the firm and the customer. Well, should he go back to his client and get the signature? Or he should ask his customer to e-sign the softcopy of the papers? Obviously later is the

VTiger’s Customer Portal

November 13, 2016
Customer service is one of the most integral part of an organization. Unsatisfied customers mean a huge loss to business. It is the biggest reality of today’s business environment that only those firms perform well who cater their customers in the best possible way. “Courteous treatment will make a customer a walking advertisement” Customer satisfaction plays such a vital role in the business culture that some firms improve their customer up to the extent that it becomes a POD (point of differentiation) for them. Without a doubt, it is a potential area which can be turned into a competitive edge of a firm. The list of benefits of a satisfied customer is a long one, some of them are quoted below: –    Excellent customer service yields repeated business, a satisfied one will do business again with your firm. –    A satisfied customer will advertise your business, a positive word of

Sales Reporting In VTiger

November 12, 2016
Sales department is the soul of a business firm, they carry out the most important activity of a business which is selling the product and the services to the customers. Selling product to the clients is the most difficult phase of a supply chain. For an organization to remain successful in this competitive business environment, an efficient sales department is required and managing sales are one of the toughest jobs in corporate culture. For managing current sales and for forecasting future transactions, sales reports are required. Sales reports are the tools using which progress of business is communicated from sales reps to the CEO, CFO, COO of the organization. Why Sales Reports are Important There are numerous reasons because of which sales reports are so critical for a business organization. From managing the day to day sales activities to prospecting future annual sales, all is done using sales reports. Some

Subscription Module In VTiger

November 10, 2016
VTiger 7 Acing in the Aspect of Subscription Based Model as well Business environment keeps on evolving; some business strategies became obsolete. On the other hand, some tactics gain the popularity. One of the most commonly used business models revolves around the subscriptions, in early days the tool of subscription was used by the magazines and newspapers. Customers have to pay a subscription fee in return for which the termly magazine is provided to them. Companies found this subscription model and started to incorporate it into their own businesses operations, now it is used widely in corporate sector, especially where services are offered (But it is not a hard and fast rule that uses subscription for services only, it can also be used for products). In simple words, in subscription business model, the user has to pay a certain price against which he can use the products or services offered

An Introduction To VTiger’s Email Data Converter

November 9, 2016
Email is an important part of today’s world. It is one of the most frequently used modes of communication. A huge range of tasks is performed using emails like submitting a math assignment to your university teacher, sending the quotation of your products to your client’s; everything involves the use of email now. There are a number of different reasons behind the popularity of the emails. The popularity of email can be determined from the fact that almost 205 billion emails are sent per day. Without a doubt, most of the emails people receive are of no interest to them and the percentage of useful emails to a person remains to be 30% (approximately) per day (for the active accounts).  So this fact is established that emails are very important and one of the most common aspects of the virtual world. Emails in Business and CRM Business firms use emails

Some Basics About VTiger’s Module Builder

November 8, 2016
Some of the needs of the business firms are identical like every business will have some contacts, will generate receipts, offer a product or service etc. But, ever business will be different from others in some aspects, for example, may be a business belongs to the tech industry, while the other is performing operations in FMCG sector. So, the requirements of both the businesses will be different and because their business model is not the same. Even if take a look at two banks operating in the financial sector, it is not hard to observe that although their product types are similar but not the same. So no one can deny that the need of every business is different. Diversity of a CRM Different CRM available in the market claim that can cater your all needs, but the reality is that if you purchase an ordinary CRM it will hardly

Significance Of Webforms And How Are They Useful In VTiger

November 6, 2016
Forms in Traditional use When business firms interact with their clients’, one of the most commonly used methods is forms. The reason behind using forms is that they are very easy to use, yet the information collected through them is very precise and accurate. The usage of forms in business is diverse and very vast from banks to the telecom service provider. Almost every organization uses forms. For example, whenever you visit a bank for depositing money, they will provide you a deposit form. In which you have to put information like account title, currency type, account number, signature etc. So, one fact is established that no one can deny the importance and usage of forms in business firms. How Critical Forms are in Cyber World The next question arises; do, in virtual world, forms have equal importance? And do they yield same benefits? The answer to the first question

An Introduction To VTiger’s “Profiles” System

November 4, 2016
Only those firms perform exceptionally well in this tough business environment which make great use of management hierarchy. Hierarchy also identifies the working boundaries and jurisdictions of people working in an organization. Within a firm, every bit of information is not exposed to all the members of the firm. The reasons behind this approach are varied greatly. Some firms follow the previously mentioned approach for privacy issues and some implement it with an aim not to overburden its staff members with excessive information. For example, the information regarding the financial of a firm is related to the accounts department only, so such information is exposed only to human resource related to the accounts department or the top management. This information will not be made available to the sales reps because they have nothing to do with. There is no need to make sales reps aware of the fact that how

An Overview Of VTiger’s Social Module

November 2, 2016
Competition among the business firms is becoming fierce day by day and the speed of this changing business environment is more than ever. When a business environment changes, it means that several new players, numerous new tools emerge, and firms which fail to adapt to these changes are Gone with the Wind. In the past, a new business tool emerged whose importance is rising with every passing day and almost every organization is in pursuit of incorporating that tool in their businesses to raise their benefits and the name of that tool is social media. It is a platform which can impact greatly in the process of shaping the image of a brand in people’s opinion. The question arises what do social media offers that made it so lucrative for the business firms. While in past the most common point of interaction between the business firm and the clients was

How To Automate Data Entry In VTiger

October 31, 2016
One of the most critical factors which can be used to determine how well an organization is performing is the quality of data they are sorting. Firms who are more efficient at gathering of quality data always have a competitive edge on others. Data entry is not only an integral part of a business firm’s but, it plays an important in every race of life like hospitals use the data entry to a very high extent. Well, data entry means inputting data into computers. Usually, it is a common point of view that data entry means recording data into the computer from the physical records. But, that is not the case, data entry means storing data into a system from any other systems like mobile applications, emails, internet forums and even physical records. One of the key features of a CRM is data entry, almost every CRM facilitates the data

An Introduction To VTiger – Zapier Integration

October 30, 2016
When we look at real life scenarios, it is not hard to notice that only those people influence others more, who have great communication skills. Same is the case with business firms, an organization with superior communication setups yield far greater profits than ordinary ones. How better communicating process helps business firms? Well, there are numerous reasons behind this phenomenon, but I will like to quote some of those: A better communication process helps business to identify their needs more effectively and take decisions accordingly Good communication leads to comprehending the customer needs with more accuracy and then respond to them with product they want Effective communication model increases the productivity of employees and helps in maintaining better relationships among them Customer service depends on upon how efficiently firm’s representative can communicate with the customers, so in this regard organizations with strong communication image gets a competitive edge. We can

“Roles” An Exceptional Feature Of VTiger

October 28, 2016
Determining roles are a crucial part of establishing any business, regardless of scale on which that firm is performing operations. Roles provide the basis on which hierarchy of a business is developed. Consider an organization in which there are no roles, from the concept it sounds very interesting. You are allowed to do whatever you want because there is no specific role attached to you according to which you must perform your duties. It is like a map is provided to you on which the treasure is marked, but you are not told about your position and the path you should follow to find the treasure. On paper you will say it is a better idea, you can make your own path etc. but reality does not work this way. Roles provide a non-materialistic foundation on which companies are built. Why Roles are Essential Part of a CRM Roles play

Accounting System Integration In VTiger

October 26, 2016
Effects of Accounting Systems on Business Accounting systems are an integral part of business firms, from a small scale business like a bakery service operating at a local shopping mall to high-end Multi-national Corporation, all of them require an accounting system to streamline their operations. These accounting systems not only help you with cost management, but they also influence a positive impact on your value chain. On the basis of data collected by these accounting systems, future forecasts and financial reports are generated. This clearly shows the sheer power of an accounting system and how it can play a vital role in maximizing the profits of your business firm. Accounting Systems and CRM You can imagine the potential of a good accounting system from above-provided information and you are no alien to the sheer strength of a good CRM like VTiger 7.  Now it is time to embrace, witness and

VTiger’s Service Level Agreement (SLA) For Customer Care

October 24, 2016
“Being on par in terms of price and quality only gets you into the game. Service wins the game” – Tony Alessandra This quote clearly shows you the power of customer service. Whenever a customer finds some difficulty or fault in your product, the people whom he or she contacts belong to customer service department. If customer service fails to respond to the queries of a client, what impact you think they would get from it? The answer is very simple they will stop doing business with you, they will not recommend you to their friends and associates. Moreover, it will cause a negative word of mouth regarding your product. Do you think in the current business environment you can take this much risk? When the competition is skyrocketing? Obviously not. What is SLA SLA is a term with which even most of the people using a CRM are not

VTiger’s Multi-Channel Communication Support

October 23, 2016
“Effective communication is key to high performing business” Communication is the heart of a business. Firms that fail to communicate with their clients effectively should not expect good profits at all. Well, just take a look at the whole sales process; right from the start when you engage a client by telling them about your product, the process of communication is started. If your communication skills or communication modes are not up to the mark, you will fail to attract and satisfy them. Now take a look when the process of negotiation is taking place between you and your customer; again communication is considered to be an important aspect of the whole deal. Finally, when its customer’s turn to provide feedback about the product, the communication comes into the game again. So this shows modes of communication play a vital role in the success of any business. Just to give

VTiger Filters To Organize Data

October 23, 2016
The world we live in is the world of data, only those can prosper in current era who possess accurate data. In fact, data is emerging to be a stronger tool as compare to any other lethal weapon, people who underestimated the power of precise data in the current business environment faced serious challenges while carrying out business operations. So we should admire the power of correct data and make efficient use of it so that good profits for the business can be yielded. So embrace the power of data and make operations of your business more precise and to the point. Following is a famous saying by Carly Fiorina “The goal is to turn data into information, and information into insight.” This shows how data can change the perspective of the whole business VTiger 7 Filters Empowered by Custom Filter Designing We are bombarded with data in routine life,

VTiger Notification & Alert System

October 20, 2016
In the current business environment, effective communication and notification alerts are name of the game. Only those organizations achieve success whose both internal and external communication are up to the mark. Every organization is trying to cater most customers as per their capacity, but, sometimes while doing so the element of punctuality is compromised. This happens not because of the fact that organization deliberately wants to hurt the customers, but due to the workload on the sales reps. The solution is sending alerts to the respective personnel so they can be reminded about the tasks they have to perform. In real life, we can see a branch manager sending an alert to the business development officer to remind him about the meeting with the lead he was previously working on. Alert Feature is an Essential Part of a CRM As you can see how much important sending an “Alert” is

Importance Of Groups In A CRM And Their Availability In VTiger 7

October 18, 2016
In real world business environment, working in groups is a key task. In fact, if we look at the job descriptions, it is specially mentioned that a person should be able to work in teams or groups. Why working in the groups is important for the organizations, let me quote a famous saying: “The sum is always greater than the individual” One of the most important benefits of working in teams is that people working together come with a diverse range of ideas. The productivity of groups is commonly greater than the individuals. Moreover, the element of learning and flexibility are clearly visible in the firms prefer to work together. Working in Groups Using a CRM When in real life business practices working in groups is so important and fruitful, imagine how crucial it is for CRM to allow working in groups. Let suppose you are working in a group,

Create Attractive Emails For Your Clients With VTiger Email Template Designer

October 10, 2016
Email is an integral part of today’s business environment. Carefully designed emails, enhance the customer response without a doubt. Let me tell you some interesting facts in this regard i) This study states that percentage of people who prefer to read attractive email is 66 and ii) another survey shows that 80% of the people who use a mobile phone to reach their mail, delete an email if it does not look good in appearance. This shows the appearance of the email also matters in addition to its content. Marketing professionals who realized the power of email appearance, now spend more than two hours only on making emails more beautiful for their business prospects. The two major problems marketers face in this regard is that they have no experience of using designing softwares like HTML and CSS and the increasing number of new sales campaigns cause shortage of time Don’t

VTiger Premium

October 7, 2016
Important Announcement: With VTiger 7 around the corner, we’re working to update all of our extensions. All of the VTiger Premium members will be upgraded free of cost when it’s released.   Companies grow, products advance; with the current momentum of innovation, it has become routine now-a-days. But then there are some that leave mark in technology or some that start a new era in the business. VTiger Premium is one of that idea and innovation which is starting a new era. What is VTiger Premium? With 80+ extensions readily available in the market that can be bought and employed, 3000+ premium extensions have been installed by users. There are several more extensions in developmental stages and we are not planning to stop anytime soon. VTiger Premium is the module that will let you access all of the 80+ premium existing extensions for a very low cost. Also, the upcoming extensions,

How To Integrate VTiger & QuickBooks Desktop For Data Synchronization

October 3, 2016
VTiger 7 CRM gives liberty to align and synchronize your QuickBooks Desktop with the CRM. It will empower you to sync Contacts, Products, Services, and Invoices among VTiger 7 CRM and QuickBooks. The synchronization of above-mentioned things works in both ways, which means information that is incorporated in one platform will be automatically updated on the other one. Minimum Requirement: To avail this feature, Sales Professional or Ultimate Edition is required. Supplies Make yourself ready before-hand. Following is the list of software required to be incorporated in your system prior to carrying out the original installation process: QuickBooks Desktop Software QuickBooks Web Connector VTiger CRM On-Demand Learn about the latest VTiger & QuickBooks Extension that provides a lot of advanced features. How to Install QuickBooks Web Connector QuickBooks Web Connector’s main function is to move information between VTiger 7 and QuickBooks. Download it from here. If you want to access QuickBooks

VTiger’s Appointment Pages Solve Major Problems To Schedule Meetings

September 27, 2016
Leads are slippery as fish; You can miss them within a blink.  Imagine that you have to schedule a meeting with one of your leads via email, who wants to see a trial of your services. You send an email with the next available hour of your availability, but your suggested time is not suitable for. So, he asks for 2 hours later, but it’s when your appointment with another organization is set. You reschedule again and again through emails until both parties settle upon a time or the lead runs away. This hassle and risk was enough, right? Yes, but only if you both concur on a same time. Here’s the 2nd part of the horror story: what if your lead asks you to rearrange the appointment? Also, you lose the credibility if between the chain of meetings an email is read a bit late or time zone difference

VTiger Dynamic Fields Streamline The Data Entry

September 23, 2016
It is only understandable that you need your screens clean and tidy (modules or dashboards). It’s also very obvious that empty fields occupy a lot of space and most of the times, there is no reason to populate CRM modules with them. Empty fields also make it harder to locate the essential and required information quickly. Imagine your module exhibiting data like this: Without a doubt, few of the fields will be of great use to you. But some of those will be totally irrelevant at times. For example, the first and last names will always have high priority in terms of visibility. Take a look at the image above, some of the fields are completely empty and contain zero information like “LastLogin On”, “Deleted On”, “User Status” etc. Looking at them closely reveals that they are related to an online account, which in this case is not possessed by