email template designer

Uses Of VTiger Email Template Designer

January 11, 2017
Communication is the heart of current business environment if we take a thorough look at all the procedural advancements from the past two decades, it is not hard to notice most of them involve an improved communication process. Firms started to use multiple tools to better the communication process up to the extent that to some firms their enhanced communication system turned into the competitive advantage. Current business culture provides a long list of diversified yet efficient communication tools, different tools offer different levels of benefits to a single firm. For example, for some firms text messages prove to be the best communication device, while for some video calls acts as the most efficient communication device. But there is one tool which is equally popular in all types of firms and the name of that communication instrument is E-Mail short for Electronic Mail. “91% of the consumers check their emails

Create Attractive Emails For Your Clients With VTiger Email Template Designer

October 10, 2016
Email is an integral part of today’s business environment. Carefully designed emails, enhance the customer response without a doubt. Let me tell you some interesting facts in this regard i) This study states that percentage of people who prefer to read attractive email is 66 and ii) another survey shows that 80% of the people who use a mobile phone to reach their mail, delete an email if it does not look good in appearance. This shows the appearance of the email also matters in addition to its content. Marketing professionals who realized the power of email appearance, now spend more than two hours only on making emails more beautiful for their business prospects. The two major problems marketers face in this regard is that they have no experience of using designing softwares like HTML and CSS and the increasing number of new sales campaigns cause shortage of time Don’t