
Picklist Dependency Setup Has Enhanced The Contemporaneity Of Vtiger

March 2, 2016
Picklist Dependency is a feature that helps in specifying the details of the product being selected. The outcome is accurate, discrete, and authentic, as the particular values are assigned via carefully designed table. The target field depends upon source field, which depends on module. Select a Module, pick its source, define target, and that’s it. It’s easier done than said. A Whole Package In One Box If there is still a hint of confusion left, this guide can get it going. Let’s say there are two products. Choose any one as your Module. Upon selection, manufacturers for that particular product will be accessible in the “Source Field” drop down menu. Go for your desired option, and the list of Usage Units specified for the selected manufacturer will be displayed in the “Target Field”. Develop Your Own Picklist Dependency In Few Steps There will be needed a module, a source field,