remove quick create in vtiger

Remove Quick Create For Individual Standard & Custom Modules In VTiger

January 16, 2019
remove quick create for standard and custom modules
Currently, in VTiger, when you open any module and try to add a related module, it opens a quick create popup, instead of going to the full form. Some of the companies/users do not prefer that outcome and want to move to full form straight. We’ve been asked this question several times and therefore tried to give a quick solution as follow:   Question: How to remove Quick Create feature for any module? The aim is to remove a specific module from the Quick Create list as well as when adding as a new related record to another module. Answer:  Go to add this: modules/YOUR_MODULE/models/Module.php   Question: How to remove Quick Create feature for a CUSTOM module? The aim is to remove a specific custom module from the Quick Create list as well as when adding as a new related record to another module. Answer: Add following function to your custom_module/Models/Module.php Questions?