
Optimize Vtiger scheduling with VTExpert’s tools

June 1, 2023
Maintaining an organized schedule and appointments is crucial for running a business smoothly. One effective way of doing this is by using Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software such as Vtiger. However, to get the most out of Vtiger’s scheduling features, sometimes additional scheduling tools may be necessary. VTExperts developed various extensions that extend or enhance Vtiger’s calendar features. In this article, we will look at how can you optimize Vtiger scheduling with VTExpert’s tools Vtiger Calendar Vtiger offers several calendar and scheduling features that help businesses manage their time efficiently and optimize their operations. Here are some of the crucial calendar and scheduling features offered by Vtiger Shared Calendar: Vtiger provides a shared calendar, which can be accessed by multiple users in an organization. This feature can help businesses avoid scheduling conflicts and ensure that everyone is on the same page. Recurring events: Vtiger calendar also allows users to create

VTiger’s Appointment Pages Solve Major Problems To Schedule Meetings

September 27, 2016
Leads are slippery as fish; You can miss them within a blink.  Imagine that you have to schedule a meeting with one of your leads via email, who wants to see a trial of your services. You send an email with the next available hour of your availability, but your suggested time is not suitable for. So, he asks for 2 hours later, but it’s when your appointment with another organization is set. You reschedule again and again through emails until both parties settle upon a time or the lead runs away. This hassle and risk was enough, right? Yes, but only if you both concur on a same time. Here’s the 2nd part of the horror story: what if your lead asks you to rearrange the appointment? Also, you lose the credibility if between the chain of meetings an email is read a bit late or time zone difference