team module

Generate Groups via Scheduler in Multi-User Assignment Team Extension For VTiger

December 8, 2018
vtiger multi user assignment team module cron scheduler
VTiger open source only supports a single assigned to field. That means, one record can only have one assigned to field by default. If you want to add multiple users to a single project, or give access for some user in order to reveal a specific record and have his input on the matter, it’s hard. The admin will go to groups, find the users who need to have access to this specific record. Then create a new group. Further, he will have to open the record, change the assigned to, to the new group. It does not sound like a job of admins to move around like that, especially when there are convenient ways to do so. Multi-User Assignment or Team Extension This gap is covered by the extension Multi-user assignment, frequently known as “Team” module. The Multi-user assignment extension for VTiger settles down the matter of who should