vtiger activities

VTiger 6 Customization: “Click To Call” Functionality Compatible by Most Softphones

September 8, 2017
  VTiger and Asterisk/PBX integration can be challenging and requires a lot of resources (direct asterisk integration, extensions, server changes, etc..)  to get it right. We  have come up with a more simpler solution that converts phone number field into softphone compatible hyperlink also known as “Click to Call”. The phone call is triggered by “tel: xxxx” hyperlink and each phone field in all the VTiger views (list, detail and edit) has an icon can can be clicked to trigger the call on your softphone. It’s a very elegant and cost efficient solution to quickly place calls from VTiger using your own softphone or skype.   That’s just one of the VTiger customizations we’ve done – please give us a call if you need such solution or anything else related to VTiger.  

VTiger 7 Customization: Do not allow out of stock products to be added to Invoice/Sales Order

September 7, 2017
    Inventory management is a crucial part of every business. VTiger already has it built in and allows you to “in” and “out” inventory as the invoices, orders and purchase orders get created. Standard VTiger functionality warns you when the product you are adding is Out of Stock, however it does not prevent the user from adding it to the invoice or sales order – you can see where that might become a problem. We customized Invoice and Sales Order section to prevent out of stock products to be saved on the record. The way it works is – the user can still select the product and see that it’s out of stock, however once record is being saved – it will show a notification and will not allow the record to be saved until the product has been removed or quantity adjusted. In addition, the user can override

VTiger Customization for Public & Private Ticket Comments

September 6, 2017
  In the latest VTiger 7.0 release a feature was introduced which allows the comments to be set to Internal (private), meaning that only the users (vtiger) will be able to see the comment, while the portal users (contacts) will not. This feature is really helpful to restrict the visibility for the portal user and keep sensitive or technical details from the customer. One of our customers requested to enhance this feature where they would be able to slip the switch and set the comment to be internal (private) or external (public). In the standard VTiger, if the comment is set to internal or external – it can no longer be changed, however – we added the switch which allows that – see #1. Next, we added a “Post to Resolution” field, which basically creates a comment as well as updates “Solution” and “Status” fields on the ticket. This eliminates the

Multi Contact/Organization Relationship Field (stores multiple records)

September 5, 2017
  Standard Support for VTigers custom relationship fields for contacts, organizations and all the other modules. The standard functionality only allows to include ONE record in the field, meaning if you have a “Contacts” lookup field – you can only select one contact. We designed new custom UITYPES (field types) to address this issue. Using our new field types – you can now select multiple contacts or organizations into one relationship field. It is very convenient to add additional people (contacts or organization) that are potentially related to the record e.g project, opportunity, ticket and so on. That’s just one of the VTiger customizations we’ve done – please give us a call if you need such solution or anything else related to VTiger.  

Filter VTiger Records by Last Date Contacted

November 2, 2016
VTiger has a very sophisticated record activity/history log. On the contact, lead or organization you can see associated comments, activities(calls, meetings, todos), tasks, emails and updates. Each history log is associated with the date, however that date can not be filtered by. Say, if you need to find all the leads which had no email or comment activity within the last 30 days – currently, VTiger does not allow you to filter by activity history dates. We created a workflow that updates record “Last Date Contacted” with the date the last email was/activity or comment added. To take it step further, we also created fields to track individual activity type: Last Email Sent Date Last Email Opened Date (part of email tracking extension) Last Activity Date Last Comment Date Those fields are automatically and are available in filters and reports. That’s just one of the VTiger customizations we’ve done –