vTiger CRM Tips/Tricks

How to Hide “Contact Image” Field in vTiger?

August 29, 2013
By default the “Contact Image” field on the Contact screen is active, and unfortunately you can not hide or deactivate it using the Field “Layout Editor“. Most business don’t collect contact images and this field/section just takes up valuable screen space. In order to remove it, you will have connect to the MySQL Database and run the query which will hide the field. Make sure you have a backup before you run any queries on the database. UPDATE `vtiger_field` SET `presence`=’1′ WHERE `fieldlabel` =’Contact Image’ AND `tabid`=’4′ AND `fieldname`=’imagename’ AND `fieldid`=’108′;

How to Change Field Labels in vTiger?

August 28, 2013
Unfortunately vTiger does not have an option to change the field labels using the user interface. However, there are few ways to do it. Let’s say we want to modify the field label for Account field “Rating”. The first and the easiest method is to modify the vTiger language file and replace the existing field labels with new ones. Go to “/vtigercrm/modules/Accounts/language/“ Open “en_us.lang.php” with your favorite text editor Find the word “Rating” and replace it with the new label. Save the file and refresh the Contact screen – the new label should show up. The second method requires knowledge of MySQL database structure, so if you are not familiar with tables and field, you are better of going with method one or three. Connect to your vTiger database Find table ‘vtiger_field‘ Run the query ‘select * from vtiger_field where fieldlabel=’Rating’;‘ Edit the row and change the fieldlabel value to

How to Change Document Maximum Upload Size in vTiger?

August 28, 2013
Out of the box vTiger has a limit of 3MB for the file upload when creating and uploading an external document to vTiger. In order to increase the file limit, you have to set it in vTiger Configuration Editor as well as in you servers’ php.ini file. vTiger Configuration Editor: Mouse over the “gear” icon on the right upper corner Click “CRM Settings” Under “Other Settings” section, hit “Configuration Editor” Find “Max. Upload Size (Max XMB)” and set it to 30MB(you can set it to higher number if needed). Save the Configuration Editor by clicking “Save”. Server Configuration – php.ini. If you are on shared hosting, most likely you will not have access to php.ini – you should contact your hosting provider to adjust the values. However, if you do have access, follow the instructions below: Open php.ini with your favorite text editor Find “post_max_size = XXMB” and change it

How to Organize Navigation Bar in vTiger?

August 26, 2013
vTigerCRM has a nice feature which allows users to arrange the navigation bar menu items. It’s helpful when you have many modules enabled, but not all of them are used on a daily basis. To add or remove menu items from the vTiger navigation bar follow the instructions below: Mouse over the “gear” icon on the right upper corner Click “CRM Settings” Under “Studio” section, hit “vTiger Menu Editor” “Selected Modules” are the modules which will show up on the main navigation bar. Use the arrows to add,remove and order the modules.

How To Disable Modules In vTiger?

August 26, 2013
Out of the box vTiger comes with a lot of enabled modules. In most cases you will not be using all the modules and those can take up a valuable space on your screen. You can either use the “vTiger Menu Editor” and remove them from the navigation bar, or if you are certain that you do not need them – just follow the instructions below and disable the unnecessary vTiger modules. Note, the modules can be re-enabled at any time. Mouse over the “gear” icon on the right upper corner Click “CRM Settings” Under “Studio” section, hit “Module Manager” Mouse over the check-box – it will say “Disable Module” Click on the check-box and it will change to red X.