Filters in VTiger is one of the most commonly used feature and often system admins are required to create filters that require condition “Assigned To”, which can cause a potential problem when there are too many users. The way VTiger works now is, if you were to create filters for each user in the system (with the Assigned To condition), you would have to create as many filters as there are users., and sometimes more (if multiple filters are needed).
We came up with the special “Assigned To” condition “Is Current User”. It means: you can create one filter, set it as public and select the condition to be “Assigned To is Current User” instead of using the “Assigned To equals UserXXX”. This eliminates the need of creating duplicate filters – the condition will filter only the records that are assigned to “the Logged In user”.
This is just one of the many customizations that we did, so if you feel like this feature would be useful for your company – please give us a call or shoot us an email.